Call for Entries: Solo Exhibition Opportunities on Tolerance

7 May

The Anne Frank Center USA and the Jewish Art Salon will co-host three solo exhibits at the Center in 2014.

Small-scale 2-dimensional works that are in line with the center’s mission “to educate about the dangers of intolerance, anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination, and to inspire the next generation to build a world based on equal rights and mutual respect.”

We are not looking for art that graphically depicts the Holocaust. The work does not have to be Jewish-themed either. For instance: upcoming exhibits include a photo series of Cuban Jews in present-day Havana, a photo series of the Roma and Sinti in 1940-45; and calligraphy paintings inspired by the French children killed in WWII.


Anne Frank Center, USA,
44 Park Place, New York, NY 10007

Space specs:
The small gallery has 4 movable columns, with 16 display areas for works no wider than 18″. The columns are 20″ wide and approx. 7.5 ft tall. Two regular walls allow for larger works. 2-Dimensional art only.
See photographs below.

The exhibits will be displayed for 3 months.
The first slot is January 2014. The other slots are later in the year.

The Center provides the opening reception, printing and mailing of postcards, and an email blast to their large list.

A stipend will be provided on a case by case basis. For example one artist opted for his work being matted and framed, another was paid shipping costs from Europe, and another had her photos printed on aluminum.

Artists who have applied for Jewish Art Salon membership only. To apply for membership click here. (deadline May 19)

Preferred method: email jasimages18 (at) gmail (dot) com a link to your website, specifically to the appropriate page that shows the work you want to submit. In subject line: AFC.
Alternative: email us no more than 5 jpgs, each no larger than 200 kb. If your work is appropriate we will ask you for more images.

If the work needs explanation, send the description in the email body; do not send the text as an attachment.

Deadline: May 21, 2013.
Submissions will be viewed on a rolling basis; early submissions preferred for the January slot.

Yvonne Simons, executive director of the AFC, and Yona Verwer, president of the JAS.

Questions: email jewishartsalon (at) gmail (dot) com
Do not email the image email address with questions please.

More information and images of the space can be found here.

to Call for Entries: Solo Exhibition Opportunities on Tolerance


Melissa Eder

June 12th, 2013 at 1:32 am

Is it too late to apply for the Tolerance Show?





June 18th, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Hi Melissa,
You should contact the Jewish Art Salon to see if you can get in post-deadline. Email

Good luck!


Renee vichinsky

March 27th, 2014 at 1:13 pm

Do you have any art events this spring and summer 2014. I am an artist



March 27th, 2014 at 3:40 pm

Join us this summer for ArtFest!

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