Call for Entries: Jewish Art Salon Membership

7 May

The Jewish Art Salon is a global community of artists, art professionals and art enthusiasts that works within the Jewish community and art world to bring innovation to contemporary Jewish art. Since 2008, the Salon has organized exhibitions, panel discussions, and educational & other art programming with leading international artists and scholars.

Become a Salon Member!

Benefits: Membership allows you to be considered for exhibitions and speaking opportunities.
As a Jewish Art Salon member your work will be recommended to curators, art historians, and programming professionals on an individual basis, as well as the other benefits listed below.

1. This year, the Salon is preparing several tightly-curated group exhibits in New York and elsewhere; one of these projects will include a catalog. You will also be able to apply to one of three solo exhibits at the Anne Frank Center in NY; call for art here.

2. The Salon Speakers Bureau, which will bring the members of the Jewish Art Salon into dialogue with the larger community. The Speakers Bureau will be a forum for the public to find lecturers for museums, synagogues, universities, and public institutions throughout the world. Our speakers will provide sessions with a wide range of topics and approaches. Already we have been retained by a non-profit to create artist-led lectures and workshops, and we will be hiring artists soon.

3. We will be building a new & improved website, which will feature artists, 3 of their images, their contact info, links to their website, and keywords to describe their work and media.
We are strengthening our connections with other art communities in the USA and Israel, and we will be working on collaborative projects.

Artist Application Deadline May 19, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am an artist and do not live in the New York metropolitan area. What are the benefits if I join?

1. If you are accepted as a Fellow, we will refer you to museums, curators and collectors, whenever we get a request for art that fits your work. For instance, we were able to place several out-of-town (& out-of-country) artists in the upcoming book art exhibit at NY’s MOBIA, Museum of Biblical Art. Associates will be referred on a case by case basis.

Members are also eligible to submit work for our own upcoming exhibits.

2. We have helped many artists get published in the press, both online and hard copy: Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Art Criticism, Sh’ma Journal, NY Jewish Week, Jewish Press, Haaretz, Zeek, Lilith Magazine, CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly (Arts Issue), Queens Journal of Jewish Studies, Jewish Exponent & more.


July 2013 – July 2014.


No deadline

Opportunity to apply to the JAS Speakers Bureau.
Your events mentioned in Newsletter.

Fill out and submit the information at the link here.
Mail check made out to “Jewish Art Salon”.

Jewish Art Salon
1324 Lexington Avenue, #120
New York, N.Y. 10128

Paypal: go to the paypal payments page and use the email address to make a payment.


2 Categories: Fellows and Associates

Deadline May 19, 2013

For either category:

Fill out and submit the information at the link here.

Email 5 jpgs of your artwork to
Scroll below for instructions on the images.

Mail check made out to “Jewish Art Salon” for the membership category you are applying for:
Jewish Art Salon
1324 Lexington Avenue, #120
New York, N.Y. 10128

* Paypal: go to the paypal payments page and use the email address to make a payment.

* FELLOWS ($95 Annual Dues)

The Fellowship is reserved for accomplished artists, evidenced by the quality of your work, your exhibition record, or both.
Subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
Benefits include:

Preferential exhibition opportunities.
Your name and website linked from the Online Directory; contact information and 3 art images posted. Includes keywords that describe your art; your work’s themes and media listed.
Preferential invitation to the JAS Speakers Bureau
Database listing, with preferential referrals to curators, collectors, galleries, museums and publications.
Your events & openings listed in Member Events, Newsletter and Social Media.

A sliding scale may be available for a limited few who cannot afford the Annual Dues.

Note: those who are accepted as Fellows will be invited to fill out a form listing their media categories and keywords. They will also have the opportunity to submit suggestions, feedback etc. and help shape the future of the Salon.

* ASSOCIATES ($50 Annual Dues)

The Associate Membership is for those artists and crafts people who believe Jewish Art is an important subject to be discussed and explored and who may include Jewish content among the many themes of their artwork.
Benefits include:

Opportunity for JAS Juried Exhibitions.
Occasional referrals to curators and collectors.
Database listing with key words.
Opportunity to apply to the JAS Speakers Bureau
Receive our Newsletter.

Those artists who applied for Fellowship, but were accepted as Associates instead, will receive a $45 refund.

Payments by Paypal
Go to the paypal payment page and use the email address to make a payment.


SAVING your images

Submit 5 images of your work; at minimum the first 3 should have a Jewish theme. Your images should be in JPEG (.jpg) format and the height should be at least 600 pixels, but no more than 1,000 pixels in either direction, 72 dpi. Save with MAXIMUM jpeg quality.

IMPORTANT: your file names should include your first and last name and the image number. For example, if your name was Leonardo DaVinci, you should name your files “leonardo_davinci1.jpg”, “leonardo_davinci2.jpg”, etc.

For Fellows: The first 3 images will be placed on our website.
If you want a video on your page, contact us.


Write your first & last name in the subject line.
Leave message box blank; we will only review the info you give us on the online application form.
Email your images as attachments to
Be sure to name your files correctly before you attach them, e.g. “leonardo_davinci1.jpg”, etc.

* If you have any questions, please email us at

For full information visit

Comment Form
