Archive for the ‘Featured Artists’ Category

Contemporary Israeli designer “Piece of History” have some cool collectible objects on sale now that are inventive twists on traditional concepts. Just in time for Hanukkah, the Special DIY Sevivon, which comes flat and is easily assembled into a real usable dreidel. The also have Kings porcelain figurines: The Kings of united monarchy of Israel […]

The story “Anatomy of Tzedakah” depicts the life of a Sjnoderbook, transformed into a magic, self- consuming hand disguised as a glove, representing the Rambam’s Eight Levels of Tzedakah. The selfless, self-devouring, self-regenerating hand, the magic hand that reaches its heart and disappears. View this new work from the Israeli-born, Dutch artist Billha Zussman:

By Beth Sarafraz for the Jewish Press Ani ma’amin b’emuna shelema be’viat hamashiach, Vi’af al pi sheyit’mame’ha im kol zeh achakeh lo bechol yom sheyavo. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah; and even though he may delay, I will await him every day. –12th Principle of Faith, from Rambam’s Shloshah-Asar […]

British-born, Israeli-based photographer Toby Cohen is fundraising for his new project MosesTen, which seeks to recreate major moments from the life of the biblical leader Moses and the Jewish people’s desert journey. He recently told The Jerusalem Post, “There are large numbers of people in Israel who study the words of the Torah all day […]

By Sarah Friedland, for Laba Journal During her recent residency at the MacDowell Colony, filmmaker Sarah Friedland engaged in a deep visual meditation of Ecclesiastes (Koheleth in Hebrew). Her tools were the text, a camera and a couple of packets of articulating paper that she found outside a dentist office back in New York City. […]

After over a year of work, animator Nina Paley has finished the stunning “embroidermotion” of Chad Gadya as an intermission piece for her still in production feature length Seder-Masochism project. The exhaustive process used newly developed software by Theodore Gray to bring it to life, which you can read about in detail here. Every frame […]

Indian-American Jewish Painter Siona Benjamin just posted a time lapse of the tile floor she designed being installed at the Central Reform Congregation in St. Louis, Missouri. Benjamin had worked for a year on a painting that would be transferred to ceramic tile and installed. The fifteen foot in diameter artwork takes us through the […]

Los Angeles-based graphic designer Hillel Smith is creating GIFs to count the Omer, the 49 day cycle between the Passover and Shavuot holidays. Continue to count every night with Hillel as he updates each day at his Tumblr here.

Nina Paley, animator and activist behind Sita Sings The Blues, has been working on her new project Seder Masochism since 2011. She has just released a new work in progress scene, “G0d Calls Moses To Mt. Horeb”. God Calls Moses to Mt. Horeb from Nina Paley on Vimeo.

Sheva Minim II, Papercut, 31.5” x 16.75” x 2.5” Intricate cut paper artwork depicting the seven agricultural products, that are listed in the Torah as being special products of the Land of Israel. The seven species are wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. Rochel Schiffrin is a young paper-cut artist from Pittsburgh, PA. […]
